"My quest is to find ways of seeing differently from the normal way, which I define as one that expects or demands specific outcomes. The pivotal idea is that our minds produce very dense filters of thought which, if completely eliminated, would allow us to see everything as it actually is: infinite."
"I attempt to remove preconditioned thought from the creative act in two ways: one, by harnessing the complexity and randomness inherent in digital scripts (which, by nature, transcend the limits of human expectation) and two, by interacting with the output of such scripts in a spontaneous, synchronistic way—similar to the way one might toss coins for the I-Ching or snap a photo of a particular instant in time and space. The historical roots of the processes in art lie in Duchamp's “ready-mades,” the Dadaists’ “exquisite corpse,” and Pollack’s “action-painting.”
"I am drawn to processes and works that allow for the bending and breaking of space. Instead of physical objects, words, or canvas and paint, I use digital code and human interaction as a new milieu for art. I collaborate with the computer to extend the realm of what can be rendered into a perceivable form. I am particularly struck by the notion of infinity and how we might represent it visually. Virtual 3-D tools are designed to generate photo-realistic visualizations of form. Can these same tools be tweaked and agitated to allow for glimpses of the absence of form, or what I would consider infinity?"
"Essentially I am exploring art as a catalyst for awareness of the Zen-like state of no-mind (complete emptiness and one-ness with infinity). The nature of split-second digital interaction offers us an instant of pre-conscious, subliminal apprehension that breaks through the normal continuum and connects us with infinity."
"Science and technology continue to point us to our true nature which (beyond the original error of belief in separateness) has been distorted by centuries of spiritual and political folly - and yet we progress. Many of the hyper-advances in science and technology of the new Millennium have brought us worldly objects and processes that seem to mimic the qualities of our true Self. The Internet mirrors the idea that we are all connected. As thoughts pass over mobile devices there is a hint that all minds are connected. Quantum physics points to the idea that what we experience is essentially perception and string theory is revealing that the forms we perceive are merely made up of light."
"Digital Art and the interconnected Digital World is my realm of the new technology and when through my work I am offered these periodic glimpses of the infinite, I do my best as an artist to capture it."
Rayman 2001
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